Subdivide to Smooth the Mesh

  1. Select a group or component containing only faces.
  2. Toggle Subdivision on or off.

Adjust the smoothness by increasing or decreasing the number of smoothing iterations.

Toggle subdivision off to return to the control-mesh whenever you need to edit the geometry.

Refine the Mesh with Creasing

Create creases in the subdivided mesh to refine the shape without having to add extra control loops in the control mesh.

Optimized for Quads

SUbD uses a Catmull-Clark based algorithm for the subdivision. This type of subdivision is optimized for quadrilaterals.

For each subdivision each quad produce four new quads.

Each triangle produce three new quads.

Other polygons are triangulated prior to subdivision.

Get QuadFace Tools


Next: Working with Quads

Download (Includes 30 Day Trial)

Latest Version: 2.2.2
Requirement Minimum
SketchUp 2016
Windows 7
Internet Explorer 9
macOS 10.8


Known Issues and Limitations

Also availible via the Extension Warehouse.

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Purchase one license for $40 using PayPal.

A license allows one person to use SUbD on any number of machines, but the license cannot be shared with anyone else.

Incremental updates (x.1, x.2 etc.) are free.

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